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Brendan Dyck
Associate Professor
Earth, Environmental and Geographic Sciences
Office: FIP 353Phone: 250.807.8934
Email: brendan.dyck@ubc.ca
Graduate student supervisor

Research Summary
Metamorphic petrology; tectonics & microstructure; evolution of planetary lithosphere and electron-beam microscopy.
Courses & Teaching
Introduction to metamorphic petrology; introduction to graduate studies.
Dr. Dyck is a geologist who joined the faculty at UBC Okanagan in 2021. He completed his DPhil (PhD) at the University of Oxford in 2016 with a focus on the generation and migration of crustal melt in the Himalayan orogen. Following his doctoral studies, he held an 1851 Research Fellowship at the University of Cambridge and a faculty position at Simon Fraser University.
PhD, University of Oxford
MSc, Lund University
Research Interests & Projects
I am a petrologist with a broad interest in high-temperature crustal processes and the evolution of (exo)planetary lithosphere. Much of my group’s research combines field and electron-beam microscopy techniques with phase-equilibrium modelling, e.g.:
- Crustal metamorphism & deformation
- Reconciling the chemical (P-T) and stress histories of metamorphic rocks.
- Recystallization and equilibration in shear zones.
- Crustal melting
- Crystallization dynamics of silicic melt
- Planetary evolution
- Application of phase equilibria models to telluric lithosphere.
- Effect of core formation on surface composition and planetary habitability
- Formation of hydrous lithosphere on stagnant-lid worlds.
Selected Publications & Presentations
Selected Grants & Awards
- NSERC Discovery Grant (2019-2024)
- Canadian Foundation for Innovation (2020-2025)
- NSERC Alliance (2021-2023)
See personal webpage.